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Kudzanai Paul Mabika

Skype: kudzanai.mabika


Phone: +263 775 617 468

Career Objective


To grow continuously in the accounting and information technology fraternity and to add value to the employer .Also to work in a stimulating environment where l can apply and enhance my business management and computing science knowledge and skills while l serve the firm to the best of my efforts.  

Work experience



C, JAVA and Assembly Language (PIC 16F872 microcontroller), PHP, Perl, C#, C++,Visual basic, Python, VB.NET


Consultant (November 2012 – to date)

Company Name: ABS Zimbabwe

Consultant (November 2012 – to date)

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Implementations

  • Telephone, Skype and on-site support for HansaWorld ERP and Data-Assist

  • HAL Programming

    • Writing Reports for customer

    • Customizations

  • Training

    • Sales and Purchasing Modules

    • Systems Module

    • Basic and Advance Accounting for HansaWorld

    • Preparing VAT Reports in HansaWorld

    • System administration for HansaWorld and Linux Server

    • Planning, setting up and managing BI departments for clients

    • Providing Data Management training and expertise to BI clients


Attachment (August 2011-August 2012)

Company Name: ABS Zimbabwe

Position : Attaché

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Filing

  • Invoicing

  • IT support(HansaWorld ERP)

  • Training(Sales and Purchasing Modules)




Projects (Implementations)

  • Beer Shack – January 2012

  • Discovery Foods- Feb 2012

  • Ace Hardware – Feb 2012

  • Parracombe – March 2012 (Training)

  • Acol Chemicals (Training)

  • National Golden Brands – July 2014

  • Sutol Manufacturing (Training) – July 2014





2010 - present

2010 - present



Bachelor of Business Studies and Computing Science (BSCT)



Zimuto High School (2007-2008)

Three ‘A’ level passes in Mathematics, Accounting and Business Studies



Kutama College (2003-2006)

9 ‘O’ level subjects including Maths and English Language 

© 2015 by Kudzanai Mabika.

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